Saturday, April 11, 2009

Socks-by-Mail Hits the U.S.

BlackSocks.jpgForget all that business about Twitter, BlackBerry apps, and the Palm Pre: the real news is that, which has sold over a million socks through the mail in Europe, has come to the U.S. For the not-too-bad price of $89 annually, you can get three pairs of men's calf-length socks mailed to you every four months.

That's not all the company sells. You can get a subscription for knee-length socks for $115, cashmere calf-length socks for $229, and ankle socks for $89. The company is locked into only selling black socks by a URL that probably seems a little limiting to them now. However, the site also sells Euro-style underwear by subscription, as well. You can order a "trial pack" of any items from the site, if you're not ready for the commitment of a year's subscription.

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